HealthMasters Blog

Why You’re Feeling So Fatigued

Why You’re Feeling So Fatigued 0

Modern stress is a handbrake. As a collective we’re experiencing unparalleled levels of fatigue, but why? Simply put, our bodies are trying to function in a world they just weren’t designed to live in.
Is your thyroid the smoking gun behind your symptoms?

Is your thyroid the smoking gun behind your symptoms? 0

Do you or someone you know suffer from a thyroid condition? If so, you may be aware how big of an impact this small gland can have on the body.

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits in the lower part of your neck. Its primary role is to produce the hormones, thyroxine (T4), which is the inactive form, and, triiodothyronine (T3) the active form. T4 is first produced by the thyroid and then sent out into the body to be converted into T3.

Leg Cramps: Why They Happen & How to Defeat Them

Leg Cramps: Why They Happen & How to Defeat Them 0

Have you ever experienced the sudden, painful seizing of a leg cramp? Ranging anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes, the onset is typically rapid, and can occur during exercise, sleep or at rest. Whilst a cramp can come and go, they are normally pointing to a larger imbalance occurring within your body. Let’s

6 Ways to Disconnect from a Connected World

6 Ways to Disconnect from a Connected World 0

Does this sound familiar – you’ve just found an awesome event while scrolling through Facebook, texting your friends, sharing your day on Instagram, checking your emails and binge watching your favourite new TV show? We can’t refute it, digital technology and social media have firmly cemented their places in each of our modern lives.
