HealthMasters Blog — Fatigue

Your Must Have Energy Nutrient 0
Do you wake each morning feeling unrefreshed? Are you a victim of 3pm-itis? Do you wish you had more energy to get to the gym? With modern life full of personal stressors, work demands, social commitments, relationships to nurture, healthy food to prepare and exercise to complete, you wouldn’t be alone
- Kevin Tresize
- Tags: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CoQ10 Energy Fatigue Mitochondria Ubiquinol Ubiquinone VESIsorb

Why You’re Feeling So Fatigued 0
Modern stress is a handbrake. As a collective we’re experiencing unparalleled levels of fatigue, but why? Simply put, our bodies are trying to function in a world they just weren’t designed to live in.- Kevin Tresize
- Tags: B Vitamins CoQ10 Fatigue Magnesium Natural Medicine Nutrition Stress

Is your thyroid the smoking gun behind your symptoms? 0
Do you or someone you know suffer from a thyroid condition? If so, you may be aware how big of an impact this small gland can have on the body.
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits in the lower part of your neck. Its primary role is to produce the hormones, thyroxine (T4), which is the inactive form, and, triiodothyronine (T3) the active form. T4 is first produced by the thyroid and then sent out into the body to be converted into T3.
- Kevin Tresize
- Tags: Fatigue Hair Hyperthyroid Hypothyroid metabolism Skin Health Thyroid Thyroid Health Weight