HealthMasters Blog — Weight

Is your thyroid the smoking gun behind your symptoms? 0
Do you or someone you know suffer from a thyroid condition? If so, you may be aware how big of an impact this small gland can have on the body.
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits in the lower part of your neck. Its primary role is to produce the hormones, thyroxine (T4), which is the inactive form, and, triiodothyronine (T3) the active form. T4 is first produced by the thyroid and then sent out into the body to be converted into T3.
- Kevin Tresize
- Tags: Fatigue Hair Hyperthyroid Hypothyroid metabolism Skin Health Thyroid Thyroid Health Weight

The Most in Vogue Weight Loss Diets Compared 0
As a Naturopath I am constantly asked which diet provides the best weight loss results. A more pertinent question however is which one will work for you? Let’s explore some of the diets that are currently getting the most air time and see which one resonates with your weight loss goals. Chewing the fat
- Kevin Tresize
- Tags: Diet KETOGENIC LOW FAT Natural Medicine PRACTITIONER SHAKE-IT Weight Weight loss

15 Tips to Prevent Holiday Weight Gain 0
Did you know that the average weight gained during the holidays is 0.37 kg for a lean person, and greater than 2.3 kg for an overweight individual? While this may not seem like a lot, people rarely lose this weight the following year, so in just 5 years a person could gain 2 to 12 kg just by overindulging at the holidays!
- Kevin Tresize
- Tags: Diet Lifestyle Weight Weight loss

Is Counting Sheep Affecting Your Waistline? 0
Counting sheep? You’ve been lying in bed for what feels like hours, persistently watching the clock tick over, calculating how much time until the sun rises. Hundreds of thoughts rush through your mind and relaxing for a restful sleep is at the bottom of your to-do list. Did you know your sleep woes could be affecting your weight? There’s many more factors at play in healthy weight management than your daily food choices and exercise habits.
- Kevin Tresize
- Tags: Magnesium Natural Medicine Relaxation Sleep Stress Weight