The Shake It Practitioner Weight Management Program (Shake It) is an easy to follow, scientifically advanced, weight loss program that has been proven to be both safe and effective.

Shake It Science - Lowering the Metabolic ‘Set-Point’
Current evidence shows that your body has a metabolic weight ‘set-point’, which is influenced by many of the factors listed earlier. For those who are overweight or obese, this set-point is higher, which can lead to difficulties in losing weight using dieting alone, or the swift regaining of weight following a diet regime. In order to successfully lose weight and keep it off, it is necessary to lower your body’s metabolic set-point.
The Shake It Program has been specifically designed to assist your body to lose weight and keep it off by making it simpler to adhere to a lower caloric intake, and also through addressing the lifestyle and behavioural factors that are typically neglected in weight loss diets. Further, once you have lowered your set-point, and reached your goal weight, the Shake It Program provides ongoing direction and guidance on how to maintain your new weight. By adhering to the program, you are following a scientifically proven process to lose fat mass, lower weight, and to maintain it long-term.
Shake It Practitioner Weight Management ProgramMetagenics Shake It Practitioner Weight Management Program
Excess weight impacts upon all areas of health so weight loss and weight management strategies are an important in assisting HealthMasters patients achieve improved health.
Research has shown that structured programs run by healthcare professionals that consist of dietary and activity guidelines plus regular consultations, are more successful in supporting weight loss than the ‘self-help’ model consisting of two short meetings plus self-help resources.
At HealthMasters we incorporate the Metagenics Shake It Practitioner Weight Management Program (Shake It) as part of a structured program assisting patients with effective and permanent weight loss.

Empowering Your Health Naturally with Modern Naturopathic Medicine
Metagenics Shake It Practitioner Weight Management Program
Metagenics BioPure Collagen Protein 400g
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics BioPure Pea Protein 480g
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics BioPure Whey Protein 404g
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics CardioX Banana Berry 200g
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics CardioX Banana Berry 400g
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics CardioX Tropical 200g
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics CardioX Tropical 400g
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics EnergyX Chocolate 200g
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics EnergyX Chocolate 400g
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics EnergyX Tropical 200g
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics EnergyX Tropical 400g
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics Keto Bar Caramel 60g (Box of 10 bars)
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics Ketostix 50 Strips
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics Lipogen 60 tablets
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics Resist-X Advanced
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics Shake It Chocolate 584g
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics Shake It Dairy Free Chocolate 640g
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics Shake It Vanilla 554g
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics Thermo Burn 60 tablets
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines
Metagenics Thyrobalance 60 tablets
Metagenics Naturopathic Medicines