Cell-Logic is a science-based organisation that are specialists in producing evidence-based nutrigenomic supplements, nutraceuticals and functional foods.
Cell Logic formulations have been developed by nature and validated by science.
Each supplement has been formulated with the belief in mind, that given the right environment, human bodies are capable of self-repair.
Cell-Logic’s flagship ingredient, EnduraCell 100% whole broccoli sprout powder is second to none in its ability to yield bioactive sulforaphane. Sulforaphane is well-researched as a potent food-derived bioactive compound capable of upregulating the defence mechanisms of human cells.
Cell-Logic is a clear leader in its field, pioneering translational nutrigenomic research and professional education tailored to the needs of the practising clinician.
Cell-Logic was founded by an experienced private practice Registered Nutritionist. Leaving Nutritional Medicine clinical practice after 30 years and with a strong interest in the role of food in human health, Christine Houghton undertook doctoral studies at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, specialising in the investigation of bioactive compounds found in plants.
The beginning of the broccoli ‘story’
It soon became apparent to her that a particular compound, Sulforaphane, found abundantly in broccoli sprouts, was worthy of extensive research as a plant chemical with significant potential as a nutraceutical medicine. As a consequence, her research has targeted sulforaphane and similar compounds that have the potential to be of significant benefit in human health.
With a primary goal of translating validated research findings into clinical practice, Christine’s research takes her in directions that provide valuable and relevant background for clinicians. In 2006, she founded Cell-Logic, a company designed to provide a vehicle for making available to clinicians nutrigenomically-active nutraceutical and functional food products, supported by evidence-based data.