HealthMasters Blog — Nutrition

Pregnant? Omega-3s are Essential For Your Baby’s Brain 0
Pregnant? Omega-3s are Essential For Your Baby’s Brain
If you have ever browsed the shelves of your local supermarket or Pharmacy, you will have seen bottles of omega-3 capsules, typically recommended for maintaining a healthy heart and for reducing inflammation in conditions such as arthritis. Did you know that these essential fatty acids are also vital for a healthy pregnancy and for the
- Kevin Tresize
- Tags: Children’s Health Fish oil Infant health Nutrition Pregnancy

10 Natural Things You Can Do for Your Chronic Pain 0
10 Natural Things You Can Do for Your Chronic Pain
Our Pain is Insane With 20% of Australians suffering from chronic pain, and pain being the most common reason someone will visit a healthcare Practitioner in Australia,[1] there is no question that we’re a nation in pain and inflamed! To understand how to reduce pain, we need to look at its main cause, inflammation, which

Delicious Dairy-Free Alternatives 0
Delicious Dairy-Free Alternatives
Whether due to an intolerance or allergy, the choice to follow a vegan diet, or the want to reduce environmental impact, the number of people choosing to go dairy-free has risen dramatically. To meet this demand, the range of non-dairy milks has never been greater. Derived from grains and legumes, each type of milk alternative

The Truth About Fish Oil 0
The Truth About Fish Oil
Omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are essential nutrients shown to reduce inflammation,[1] support cardiovascular health,[2] promote brain function [3], and support foetal development during pregnancy.[4] Our bodies are unable to produce omega-3 fatty acids, so we must consume them in our diet or through supplementation. Unfortunately, 80% of adults do
- Kevin Tresize
- Tags: Cardiometabolic Cardiovascular Essential Fatty Acids Inflammation Nutrition