HealthMasters Blog — Health

Dispelling Myths: Do Fermented Foods Replace the Need for a Probiotic?

Dispelling Myths: Do Fermented Foods Replace the Need for a Probiotic? 0

Dispelling Myths: Do Fermented Foods Replace the Need for a Probiotic?

Fermented foods and beverages, such as sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha, were a regular part of our ancestors’ diets for thousands of years. Originally a method of preserving produce from harvest time through the cold days of winter;[1] fermentation involves adding a bacterial or yeast starter to a food. These organisms convert starches and sugars to

When is a Multi-Strain Probiotic a Good Idea?

When is a Multi-Strain Probiotic a Good Idea? 0

You may have heard probiotics can provide a multitude of beneficial effects, but how do you know which one to choose when you’re confronted by a countless range of options? What probiotic will help your presentation? Do you need a product with one probiotic strain or multiple probiotic strains? With all the choice,
