HealthMasters Blog
Pregnant? Omega-3s are Essential For Your Baby’s Brain 0
Pregnant? Omega-3s are Essential For Your Baby’s Brain
If you have ever browsed the shelves of your local supermarket or Pharmacy, you will have seen bottles of omega-3 capsules, typically recommended for maintaining a healthy heart and for reducing inflammation in conditions such as arthritis. Did you know that these essential fatty acids are also vital for a healthy pregnancy and for the
- Kevin Tresize
- Tags: Children’s Health Fish oil Infant health Nutrition Pregnancy
The Lion and the Deadline: How Stress Impacts Your Health 0
The Lion and the Deadline: How Stress Impacts Your Health
Your heart races. Your breathing becomes quick and shallow. You feel alert and slightly anxious; your palms are sweaty and your muscles tense. This is your body getting you ready to run, or even fight, for your life. Are you a cave dweller facing down a growling, ravenous lion, armed with only a spear and
- Kevin Tresize
Sneezing Your Way into the Change of Season? 0
Sneezing Your Way into the Change of Season?
Chronic sneezing? Itchy, watery eyes? Is your nose running like a tap? Before you reach for your antihistamines to help (temporarily) reduce your hay fever symptoms, let me ask you – do you know there are effective, natural strategies that can provide you lasting relief? Always On Guard As we go about our daily lives,
- Kevin Tresize
- Tags: Allergy Gut Pain Immune Reactivity Sinus Congestion Sneezing
Why Are You Bloated? Too Much Cake, or Something More Sinister? 0
Why Are You Bloated? Too Much Cake, or Something More Sinister?
What is Your Gut Trying to Tell You? We have all become a little snack-happy at a party, eaten too much cake, and had to undo the top button of our jeans to make room for the food baby. However, if you feel and look bloated regularly without overindulging, your gut microbiome might be trying to
- Kevin Tresize
- Tags: Digestive Symptoms Gut Health Microbiome