HealthMasters Blog — Inflammation

Turmeric: Your Golden Ticket to Health 0
Turmeric: Your Golden Ticket to Health
HELP, I’m Inflamed! Everyone has experienced the phenomenon of acute inflammation – a sprained ankle, a splinter, or a cut – resulting in the affected area becoming red, swollen, hot, and painful. This is your immune system rushing to protect your body from any bacteria or viruses that may try to infect the area, and
- Kevin Tresize
- Tags: Curcumin Inflammation Natural Medicine Pain Turmeric

Why Everyone Needs Fish Oil 0
Why Everyone Needs Fish Oil
Which nutrient helps alleviate the pain of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis,[1] supports brain and skin health and also reduces the risk of chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease?[2] Not sure? Here’s a hint: it’s found in seafood and is particularly abundant in fish. If you answered omega-3, you are correct! This essential nutrient provides a

What's holding you back from reaching your weight loss goal? 0
If you know anyone that has tried to lose weight, or have set out on this journey yourself, you know it comes with its fair share of challenges. On the surface, adhering to a balanced diet and engaging in physical activity appears relatively simple; however, as most people are intimately aware, losing weight is not always as easy as it’s said and done.
- Kevin Tresize
- Tags: blood glucose Inflammation metabolism set-point Sleep Stress Weight loss

Is What You Heard About Turmeric True? 0
In the late 1950s and 60s, it was not uncommon for a daily dose of foul-tasting, fishy smelling liquid to be forced upon sickly children by their grandparents and cited as the cure for everything from arthritis and baldness, to boils and piles.
Cod liver oil consumption was at its peak, simultaneously torturing yet improving the health of children and their families all over the world. In the decades that followed various other natural remedies came in and out of the limelight. Apricot seed kernels, goji berries and coconut oil all enjoyed their glory days – with some developing a near cult following.
However, as time passed and science accumulated (or failed to accumulate), it became clear that these natural remedies weren’t really the ‘cure all’ they were sometimes promoted to be. In recent years, another natural medicine has forged ahead as the latest trendy cure-all taking the population by storm; yet this one has the scientific backing to boot.
- Kevin Tresize
- Tags: Bioavailability Curcumin Depression Inflammation Turmeric