HealthMasters Blog — Gut Health

Why Are You Bloated? Too Much Cake, or Something More Sinister?

Why Are You Bloated? Too Much Cake, or Something More Sinister? 0

Why Are You Bloated? Too Much Cake, or Something More Sinister?

What is Your Gut Trying to Tell You? We have all become a little snack-happy at a party, eaten too much cake, and had to undo the top button of our jeans to make room for the food baby. However, if you feel and look bloated regularly without overindulging, your gut microbiome might be trying to

Dispelling Myths: Do Fermented Foods Replace the Need for a Probiotic?

Dispelling Myths: Do Fermented Foods Replace the Need for a Probiotic? 0

Dispelling Myths: Do Fermented Foods Replace the Need for a Probiotic?

Fermented foods and beverages, such as sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha, were a regular part of our ancestors’ diets for thousands of years. Originally a method of preserving produce from harvest time through the cold days of winter;[1] fermentation involves adding a bacterial or yeast starter to a food. These organisms convert starches and sugars to

Natural Ways to Navigate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Natural Ways to Navigate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) 0

Natural Ways to Navigate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Chances are you or someone you know suffers from IBS, which affects one in ten Australians.[1] Symptoms range in severity from mild to debilitating and include digestive discomfort, excessive flatulence (gas), bloating, constipation or diarrhoea, or alternation between the two. These symptoms can be associated with three underlying factors: gut inflammation, an imbalance in the

What to do when you can’t poo

What to do when you can’t poo 0

What to do when you can’t poo

The Purpose of Poo As you read this, your body is working hard to: Clear waste produced during its normal, healthy activities Remove compounds (e.g. hormones) from circulation that have completed their tasks. Neutralise toxins that can harm your body, and Fight off pathogens (infectious organisms) that could otherwise make you sick Once it’s completed these
